Norton roars to the crowd at National Motorcycle Museum Open Day

John McGuinness Norton TT & V4

Norton roars to the crowd at National Motorcycle Museum Open Day

We were offered ear defenders before the growl of the machines were unleashed on an exciting crowd. The motorbikes sung to the tune at the maestro of the throttle, much to the appreciation of the hundreds of people in the room.

Norton TT 

The latest Norton TT race machine and stunning new road going V4 were fired up live on stage at the National Motorcycle Museum Open Day on 27th October. Norton rider John McGuinness contained his excitement in his inimitable way, although he said with a wry smile how he’s looking forward to riding it. Norton CEO Stuart Garner & chief designer Simon Skinner were on hand to champion the bikes and enthuse the audience.

Norton V4 

Norton road race stars from past including Trevor Nation & Mick Grant also joined this exciting question & answer sessions. In addition, Henry Cole joined in the comical affray promoting his latest book “A Bikers Life”. The interviews were hosted by the ever-smiling Steve Plater who done a great job amusing the crowd.

It was great to see these biking legends engaged in a down-to-earth banter.

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