Hearts the size of Helmets

Redditch Charity Bikers

Sam and Allen

Hearts the size of Helmets

I’ve met many charity groups over the years, but the generosity and enthusiasm from the biking community goes unsurpassed. Extraordinary people selflessly giving their time for others, so they can make a real difference to the local community. I’m sure we’ve all seen the staged gestures “coincidently” caught on camera then published on social media, yet the real hero’s humbly go about their business seeking no recognition or reward.

I met a member of the Redditch Charity Bikers (RCB) group by chance and I’m really glad I did. R.J. kindly connected me with Sam, one of the founders of the charity; the heartfelt story that unfolded highlights the true essence of helping others.

Sam Clarke and her partner Allen Morris found RCB in November 2017. She said, “The group originally formed as a group of bikers who wanted to show people that not all bikers are perceived as ruthless and reckless but in fact generous and helpful.” 

Allen Morris

They help to promote and organise a variety of events such as: Prom Escorts, Confidence Rides (for people who are being bullied), Charity Runs and many more.  Supporting a range of charities including: Primrose Hospice, Ride to The Wall, Air Ambulance, Blood Bikers and many others. Each year, a various amount of rides are organised to help raise awareness and money, which contributes to the charities.

"Allen first got the idea for RCB after we had held an event to raise money for Bladder cancer with help from a local biker group. The event has a main ride in the morning followed by a family fun day, with bouncy castles, face painters and lots more; then also a main evening event of live music and disco."

Over the last 2 years of running this event, RCB has successfully raised a large sum of money for this charity.  Raising £1300 last year alone. This year the event is being held on the 10th August at a local sport and social club. Overall, the group have raised over £3000 for charities in the last 18 months. With the Bladder Cancer Event being the largest sum raised. 

Unfortunately, in January this year, Allen himself was diagnosed with lung cancer and recently passed away on March 16th 2019.

Allen Morris

“This was a devastating loss for the group and myself. As Allen was the person who gained the respect of other groups and clubs in order to establish RCB. He was the main organiser of all the rides and upcoming events yet RCB will continue his legacy in the years to come.” 

RCB has grown as a group with over 1000 members and supporters, with new members joining everyday. Their aim is to raise awareness and support as many people as possible, including, Anti- Bullying Campaigns, Charities, Memorials, Escorts and so much more.

“We have become more than just a group of bikers and have in fact formed a family. Many members with different personalities and traits make the group unique and differential from any others. Anyone is able to join the group if you ride a bike or not its all about helping people and charities big or small.”

Redditch Charity Bikers

The determination of the group seems stronger than ever and Allen’s legacy will never be forgotten. With hearts the size of helmets anything’s possible.

Follow their events on their Facebook page REDDITCH CHARITY BIKERS

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  • Kevin Lavelle on

    So seamless put. Brought a tear.
    Hearts the size of helmets. Sounds so apt. RCB are and will always be close and can I say, love you Sam, grow stronger. X

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